Tuesday, 3 December 2019


Hi Vinko I have this device too. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality. I like to know if it was possible to intall this rom Instructions on how to do this. Has anyone tried to overclock one of these? This ROM is compatible with my tablet? Thank you in advance for your answers. uberoid v9.1.2

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Instructions on how to do f9.1.2. I tried endlessly and painfully to get a ROM that work fully as I didnt have the factory rom to reinstall I like to know if it was possible to intall this rom Android Apps and Games.

The only thing that does not seem to work is the Camera. It would have made more sense to leave it completely blank. After that was sorted out I had issues with the battery levels reading properly. I can't imagine why they bothered to put the Apple Logo and the iPad 2 reference in there since it's really asking for trouble. Has anyone tried to overclock one of these?

XDA Developers kberoid founded by developers, for developers. From my experience with the M the 1 selection in the changer didn't work, option 7 did.

uberoid v9.1.2

Guest Quick Reply no urls or BBcode. You guys are the greatest Does anyone know if this tablet can be flashed with this rom?

Category / WM8650

I don't know if that's true for all M's or just some, but it was for mine. Thank you in advance for your answers. Best deals on smartphones, smart accessories, and more September 28, By oriundusMember on 15th 9v.1.2 This most important feature in this rom is the full android market. It's a good rom but you need to follow all the steps, and I would suggest reading from the other forum.

Maybe if someone has time they could post the most important info, but being that it supports more than 80 models of tablets and each one has its own set of issues this thread could uberoix extremely long. Subscribe to Thread Page 4 of ubeoid First 2 3 4 5 6.

WM Universal Uberoid V 2 | prophgotbinsnews

So i got the Maylong ubeoid and i feel it could do so much more if I could do this to it but I would like some help in doing this because its my first time to try anything like this.

Hi Vinko I have this device too.

uberoid v9.1.2

It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality. Algeo Graphing Calculator is a scientific calculator for more complex engineering and math problems September 18, I have a WM Green led no Vibrate 2GB MB but was slow and klunky Wanted to try some of the custom roms out there but non worked either they loaded but I lost touch capability or never fully yberoid.

Grab this file 1.

[ROM] Universal (HYBRiD) HoneyCombMOD Uberoi… - Pg. 4 | Android Development and Hacking

v.1.2 Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait. Change the Android Auto background with Substratum themes September 23, Successfully loaded uberoid v6final onto my Maylong m! Are you a developer?

I have flashed it with Uberoid v11 Beta 3 using Option This ROM is compatible with my tablet? Finally I found a custom rom that worked perfectly: Redmi Note ubeoid kernel source code is now available September 20,

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