Monday, 2 December 2019


Roger, thanx for fast and very good answer. I just went through this with some s. Hey Roger, thank you very much on nice post. So in the 96x1Hupgrade. The settings file contains tons of options. avaya 9630 firmware

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avaya 9630 firmware

I want to fetch 46xx settings file from new utility server on my phones without upgrading their firmware. So the phone will jump to a new section of the file and load specific firmware based upon its GROUP variable.

In your http log file, can you see the phone requesting the settings file? Hello Roger, I heard a rumor the 7. I am fairly new to this, and these phones rarely get updated, but we bought some that we avaha having issues with, and I would like to test in my area. Hopefully this works for you.

firmware upgrade on - Avaya: IP Office - Tek-Tips

I recently got an old from someone and i wanted to activate the VPN setting in it like on my c but i believe it's on old firmware that doesn't have any VPN options in it. For now, I hope this helps and I look forward to hearing from you. Once you have the web server working, you can change your 46xx settings file to 1 tell the phones to use http and 2 point the phones to your new http server. Then when I reboot I should see magic avvaya.

It is more clearly what services are started and which paths are used. The settings file contains tons of options. I am using http cause my TFTP server is set to port Click Here to join Tek-Tips and talk with other members!

What if you just want to update one particular phone? So your laptop is the dhcp server and web server?

The phone looks for the upgrade. Pls reply for this queries.

avaya 9630 firmware

By joining you are opting in to receive e-mail. The trick is in the 96xxupgrade. Any way out of it since it looks like whoever set this thing up last changed the admin password. Thanks for the replies.

How to update firmware in individual Avaya 96xx phones | Roger the Phone Guy

Please let me know. IP Office Forum firmware upgrade on thread You can set that password in the 96xxupdrade.

avaya 9630 firmware

Roger, thanx for fast and very good answer. Should I test second and third, then choose which one is OK, and maybe delete another two, to avoid some Roll back scenario?

How to update firmware in individual Avaya 96xx phones

When you download new firmware, the phone reboots four times as it works through all these files. If only one is loaded, the phone will reboot cycle. I notify one error when plugged in LAN port the sip phone get booting but vlan ID does not take what is the issue of vlan does not take out.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. It's easy to join and it's free. I change the endpoint in System Manager. Even with a static address, I had to set the SIG to h.

Did you manually edit the ini file, I always do. If you have an Avaya telephone system, you probably have a web server to manage firmware.

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